Introducing Enaimco

Enaimco’s Operational Twin is an advanced SaaS platform designed to optimize subsea operations from construction to abandonment.

By unlocking the value of your data, our Operational Twin will help you enhance performance, boost collaboration across teams, increase production uptime, and reduce operating costs, all while ensuring the safety and integrity of your subsea assets.

Produce More, With Less

Inside our immersive platform, your team doesn’t just access data, they perform their work. We facilitate and automate workflows, enabling efficiencies, eliminate duplicate efforts, and continuously improve processes.

Enaimco’s Operational Twin comes fully populated. Our team integrates relevant data, documents, media, and workflows, ensuring immediate value for our clients.

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Enaimco Core

With our core platform, we curate, contextualize, and visualize our client’s data to provide immediate, intuitive access to verified information. We put actionable data at our user’s fingertips through our Operational Twin that merges data with a comprehensive 3D GIS model.

Enaimco Modules

All modules are designed to complement each other, maximizing collective value. Clients have the freedom to choose the modules that best fit their needs, ensuring a tailored solution for their subsea operations. Unlock the full potential of your subsea operations with Enaimco!

Enaimco AI

Elevate your data utilization with Enaimco AI. Unlock insights and efficiencies through cutting edge LLMs and generative AI. Prioritize strategic tasks, reduce reporting time, and create dynamic visuals and contextualize dashboards for instant overview and informed decision making.

Integrated Software Solution

Enaimco’s Operational Twin seamlessly integrates with external software via REST API or custom solutions, maximizing the value of your existing ecosystem. Experience unified data and operations, driving efficiency.

Risk Management

Digitally transform risk management to gain dynamic insights. Automate workflows, and eliminate manual efforts. Track asset changes over time for better and faster decision making and ensure a holistic understanding of your assets. Automate audit logs to enhance data quality and confidence.

IMR Management

Transform IMR campaigns with digital RBI planning, enabling prioritization and efficiency. Confidently reduce offshore scopes, streamline communication, track progress, and eliminate post processing. Execute plans flawlessly and maximize productivity with comprehensive data access and precise instructions for offshore teams.

Media Management

Access videos and identify points of interest within seconds. Navigate through your media with ease using GIS location, transcript search, and immersive 3D model overlay. Optimize storage, cut costs, and collaborate seamlessly with timestamps, keywords, and anomaly tagging. Transform the way you interact with this invaluable data, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Tailored Expansion

Have a unique challenge or specific need? We excel at crafting tailored solutions through our agile process. Whether it’s enhancing current features or building new ones, we’re dedicated to delivering immediate and lasting value.

Want to know more?

Download our Product Sheet and Book a Demo today!

Think Beyond Software

When you choose Enaimco’s Operational Twin, you are not just getting a software platform – you are getting a fully populated, living, contextualized model that’s ready to go from day one.

We bring in all the information and contextualize it within the platform, so you can hit the ground running and immediately benefit from its comprehensive capabilities. As a SaaS company, we are committed to providing continuous support and improvements. Our flexibility allows us to tailor the platform to your unique needs, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your operations and delivers maximum value.

The remote and complex nature of subsea operations makes the need for digitalization ever more imperative. By streamlining operations and workflows, our Operational Twin enables our clients to minimize vessel days and maximize the efficiency of limited personnel resources. Leveraging our solution will result in production and operational vessel day savings.